Yoga & Mindfulness

in the
Preschool classroom Training

Preschool teachers know the importance of varying activities throughout the school day to keep children engaged. Introducing yoga into the preschool classroom is a great way for teachers to check in with students and to create meaningful transitions when moving from one activity to another. This course focuses on the age appropriate poses and games, breathing exercises, and visualization techniques, as well as specific developmental considerations, that can be seamlessly incorporated in the classroom throughout the school day. We will share creative and fun ways for keeping kids engaged, for transitioning between daily tasks, for calming and soothing, for focus and attention, and for whenever energy needs to be released, no matter where you are or what your class is doing.

You'll learn how to teach fun yoga classes from 5 minute exercises to 60 minute classes. Experience how we combine simple yoga poses with engaging songs, puppets and stories that exercise social, sensory and motor skills while increasing flexibility. Kids will strengthen their bodies as they learn how to focus through breathing and relaxation techniques.

  • -Release energy in a small space

    -Build focus and concentration

    -Gain body awareness and a feeling of well-being

    -Increase strength and flexibility

    -Build confidence and self-esteem, as well as self-control

    -Find a sense of calm through breathing and relaxation

    -Cultivate love for one's self, inside and out

    Sharing yoga with your preschoolers is for any time of the day - during lessons, story time, transitions, winding-down time, or after active play.

Children's Yoga Teacher Training for

Early Childhood Educators!

Course Fee


10 hour comprehensive course includes:

  • Comprehensive KKY Yoga & Mindfulness in the Preschool Classroom Manual for Early Childhood Educators

  • Certificate of course completion

  • 10 CEU’s (Continuing Education Units)

  • Access to teaching support and mentorship opportunities

  • Bragging rights

  • 2025

    NYC - Thursday, June 5th, 9am - 5pm, at Balance Arts Center, 151 W 30th Street, NYC

This unique course was developed specifically for preschool educators and administrators, and has been designed to provide essential tools and techniques for incorporating yoga into the preschool classroom. No previous yoga experience is required in order to participate in this workshop.

What Directors have said…

“At Karma Kids Yoga the teaching staff amusingly ignites the interest of our students by whimsically sharing many yoga poses and breathing exercises. Our students love going on field trips there because it’s an exciting and fun place where they get to explore physical yoga in creative ways!”

-Brunie D Surget, Educational Director at Village Preschool Center

“I absolutely loved the Karma Kids Teacher Training Workshop.

It was one of the few programs that I have participated in where the teachers actually know how to teach teachers. It is evident that the instructor's posses a complete understanding of yoga, children, and teaching techniques. The music and creativity draws you in to this wonderfully imaginative yoga world that you really want to recreate for your class. You just know the kids will love it, because you had so much fun learning how to facilitate it. One of my most favorite activities that I love to watch come to life since I learned to do the poses are the imaginary worlds you can travel to. There are lots of different poses to get you where you want to go and then more fun poses to help you transform into the inhabitants of the place you created. My colleagues and I took a boat, a plane, and a car to the jungle in outer space! We were upside-down monkeys, stomping elephants, slithering snakes, and silent, twinkling stars. I enjoyed the workshop so much that the next day my class of two year olds went to the jungle in outer space as well. Every session we take a different trip. I also take my son to community yoga at Karma Kids very often. I love to watch the teachers and the kids in action and see what else I can learn. After all the fun I had, I couldn't allow him to miss out.”

-Phoebe Mihael, Director at Village Kids Nursery, NYC


Baby Yoga & Developmental Movement


Online Courses